Friday, September 14, 2012

My experience as a blog writer

 strong 'Are stem or cause you to write a blog, share your experience ". </ strong> I am writing this time is the contest of the blog <a href =" http:/ / "> Eizil </ a>. Theme of this editorial I will tell you about "My Experience As a Writer Blog Dot Com Pemilik Kekunci Board Kekunci concurrently owners.

 Graduate study in mid-2008 after I initiate out practical work while I was on an official goverment departments that include IT or I prefer to call cc (Cyber ​​Cafe). I no exposure on IT or virtual pages of writing blogs, everything stems from the work field, IT is in the booth I learned everything, every day before the eyes open internet is one paradigm in life when I learned of creating your own blog new friend blogspot blog I like to read when it's like Mama Aqilah, Ceeramoon and Tice Su. As a result many blogs that debuted but now I make my own kid can not deal with my blogs, there are also occasional updates on papan kekunci blogspot and azura keybord blogspot  which is still active.

 Early 2011, more precisely mac 2011, i just think careful to have a paid web page when I read blogs that talk about the JustKhai domain and hosting from serverfreak. So I bought it, for instance domain and hosting was his home address. I thought it was just a point of teaching and science blogging from my blogger friends had made man who triumphed foster blog. I seemed at first to interact with the blogger friends. It feels great when interacting with the owner of the great blogs like Denaihati, Kujie2, Yanmieonline and PuanBee. Since then I started to put the hopes of becoming the owner of the blog that debuted as them. Not that our other features helped make my blog as a source of income as they are also bloggers.

 Experience as an author blog  owners actually concurrently as well. July 2011, the papan kekunci dot com has been in the black list by google the term most easily got banned. Science wordpress a little is not enough, but rakan was fostering an aid, and has restored the joy of this blog. When examined, the possibility of my blog got banned kerana I graduated comment spam (comments in the spam box). To be honest, I do not know when it uses Akismet. Alhamdulillah triumphant return to the world of blogs and lookups google, yahoo bing  A few months anyway my blog gets a slap hammer to hit a new user as well, honestly it got a sledgehammer. Until the serverfreak apologize via email because this problem and have hacker eliminate it. Got banned experiences have helped stage of patience, lots of time I seek knowledge and not quickly succumb, as I attempt to learn self try. Attempts limit login plugin that helps me deliver an email notification if there is a lockout site the cuba ip ram my blog. For me this is challenge.

When viewed from the point of writing, I really like writing verse. So, my writing is full of processed and charging, for me a blog without charging will not produce qualities. Is up to the owner of the blog itself how to explore their blog. My blog, my way.

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